UOT - Lab for new Knowledge and an Eco-Social Future

LAB for New Knowledge and an Eco-Social Future

Communication | Published: 28.08.2018


What does it mean to be HUMAN in the world of today?

On the second day of FRAMETALKS, we have been shifting our gaze from nature to the human being. In the morning session at the Neue Brüderkirche, some big questions came to the surface: Who are we? What are we doing in the world? And what capacities do we need to develop to create an alternative to the mess we find ourselves in?

A key insight that was carried over from last night's reflections is that these 'future capacities' might include the ability to not only see things in black and white or in negative or positive. Instead, we may be able to find a third perspective that acknowledges both the grief we experience for the current state of the world AND the love and joy that give us the power to carry on and find new possibilities.

It has been truly amazing to hear the pictures, perceptions, and thoughts of so many people, young and old. In the evening we will carry on a process of distillation, with the aim of finding resources that will help us in the challenging task to become response-able shapers of an ecologically viable and humane future.

We hope to be joined by many more people in what is turning out to be a deeply insightful process of exploration! Tomorrow, the frame of the day will be LOVE, followed by FREEDOM on Thursday and FUTURE on Friday. Come and find us in the church or out on the streets...

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