FELD DER BEGEGNUNG / Field of Commitment - Kassel
Einladung - an alle Freunde in Kassel und Umgebung...
Schaffe einen Ankerpunkt auf diesem Planeten – in Partnerschaft mit einem Baum – um dir selbst, anderen und der Welt zu begegnen.
In Partnerschaft mit einem Baum entsteht an diesem Ankerpunkt ein „Ort der Begegnung“, welcher Kraft und Inspiration gibt zu sehen, zu reflektieren und neu zu denken, wie wir in der Welt leben...,um sorgfältig zu bedenken, wie wir mit anderen Wesen und Personen in Beziehung stehen und mit wem wir diesen Planeten teilen...und um Entscheidungen zu treffen, wie wir handeln wollen, sowohl in uns selbst wie auch in der äußeren Welt der sichtbaren Aktionen.
An diesem ORT der BEGEGNUNG gibst Du auch ein Versprechen / Commitment. Dieses Versprechen gibst Du zuallererst Dir selbst: es geht darum, nicht aufzugeben, individuell und zusammen Wege zu suchen, wie wie miteinander leben und mit allen Lebewesen leben können, ohne unnötiges Leid und Zerstörung zu verursachen. Das ist das „Basis-Versprechen“ im FELD der BEGEGNUNG welches dem individuellen Fokus und der Absicht einer Person entsprechend erweitert werden kann.
Mit der Schaffung eines ORTES der BEGEGNUNG, kreierst Du nicht nur einen Ort für Dich selbst, sondern trägst auch aktiv zur Schaffung des FELDES der BEGEGNUNG bei. Dieses FELD macht den in einem Dorf, einer Stadt, einer Region existierenden Willen sichtbar und verstärkt diesen Willen, nicht wegzuschauen, sondern Wege zu finden wie wir auf diesem Planeten zusammen leben können, ohne diesen und uns gegenseitig zu zerstören.
Erfahre mehr über die Teilnahme an dem sich entwickelnden FELD DER BEGEGNUNG in Kassel und der umgebenden Region.

(English version)
Invitation: Calling all friends in Kassel and the surrounding area…
Find out more about participating in the evolving FELD DER BEGEGNUNG / FIELD OF COMMITMENT in Kassel and surrounding region.
Create an anchor point on the planet - in partnership with a tree - for encountering yourself, others and the world.
This anchor point creates an ORT DER BEGEGNUNG / PLACE OF ENCOUNTER in partnership with a tree, which gives one the strength and inspiration to see, rethink and reflect on how we live in the world… to consider carefully how we relate to other beings and persons with whom we share the planet, and to make decisions about how we want to act, within ourselves and in the outer world of visible actions.
At this you also make a commitment. This commitment is first of all to yourself: to not give up exploring ways, individually and together, to live with each other and with all other living beings without causing unnecessary suffering and destruction. This is the basic commitment in the FELD der BEGEGNUNG / FIELD OF COMMITMENT, which can be extended, in tune with each person’s focus and intentions.
By creating a 'PLACE OF ENCOUNTER', you not only make a place for yourself, but also contribute actively to creating the FIELD OF COMMITMENT / FELD der BEGEGNUNG.
This FIELD makes visible and intensifies the will that exists in a village, town or city to not look away, and to find ways to live together on the planet without destroying it and each other.
By encountering oneself – ones questions, fears, hopes, attitudes and perspectives – we see not only what we sees, but how we see... with what lenses and mindset we meet the world. In this way we become practitioners of an expanded understanding of art: the art of perceiving and changing ones mindset, which actually requires a ‘change of heart’!
If you would like to find out more about creating an anchor point for yourself on the planet, for your family and street, for your school or organisation... and about joining a growing group of people in Kassel and the surrounding areas who are contributing to creating this Field of Commitment / Feld der Begegnung...
Contact: Martina Schaefer on feld-kassel@universityofthetrees.org or Shelley Sacks info@universityofthetrees.org
About the facilitators:
Martina Schäfer from the UOT Microlab für Soziale Plastik und Verbindende Praxis-Kassel is working with Shelley Sacks from the Social Sculpture Research Forum and Lab for New Knowledge and an Eco-Social Future to develop this new University of the Trees initiative in Kassel.
Martina is the 'keeper' of the Feld der Begegnung / Field of Commitment in Kassel. She did Cultural Studies, Music Therapy and Social Sculpture and works currently as a music therapist in a hospice, as well as being an InTouch Massage therapist and trainer.
Shelley is a social sculpture practitioner with a long-term relationship to Kassel. This began in 1977 when she worked with Joseph Beuys in the Honey Pump and Free International University at the documenta. She has worked actively in many countries, in communities, organisations and universities, to bring the social sculpture ideas into forms like the Feld der Begegnung, that make them understandable and usable in our work towards the shaping of a humane and eco-social future.
The Field of Commitment / Feld der Begegnung in Kassel is a pilot process.
Martina and Shelley are currently developing a small handbook to accompany a short training that will enable others to facilitate the process. If, after a year or two, this FELD DER BEGEGNUNG is felt to be meaningful, we will offer the training process beyond Kassel, so that the FIELD OF COMMITMENT can be widened to many contexts and countries.
Public launch in Spring 2020
There will be a formal, public launch of the process in Kassel in spring 2020. Everyone prepared to make the 'basic commitment' outlined above, is welcome to participate.
There is a small cost involved in the making of the yellow bands, which make visible the field of commitment in Kassel. If need be these bands can be subsidised by local contributions to the field of social sculpture.